Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Happiness Project (A Book of Mormon Reading Project)

What can I do to be happy? 


It's a question that we all have asked ourselves at one time or another.  Happiness does not equal zero problems.  Somehow I think we think that we can only be happy if our lives are problem-free.

We can be the creators of our own happiness.  I realized that I am happiest when I am reading my Scriptures.  When I spend time daily learning from them....I feel happy and more centered.

As a member of our Ward Relief Society Presidency over literacy, I felt a strong impression to create a project to help the sisters of our Ward find more happiness in their lives through study of the Scriptures.   What better way than through a study of the Book of Mormon particularly.  However, this project can be incorporated to a study of the Bible, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price as well.

My ideas have been taken from resources found on along with personal experience. 

There are four easy steps to my Happiness Project which are outlined below.


To introduce the "Happiness Project" as a counselor in the Relief Society Presidency, I taught a lesson in Relief Society on the first Sunday of a month.  With permission from our Bishop, we included the Young Women and their leaders.  I taught a special lesson to the sisters in Primary, Library and Nursery on a different Sunday when we could provide substitutes for those callings.  Therefore each sister in our Ward, young and old, had the opportunity to be taught what "The Happiness Project" is all about.

I created a 'packet' for each sister that included the following:
1 soft-bound Book of Mormon - (we ordered these from @ $2.50 each)  I felt it was important for each sister to start fresh with a new book rather than to read from the Scriptures they already had as they would be marking and looking at their study in a new and fresh way.

1 notebook -  We started our project near the time school was starting so 3 hole notebooks were very inexpensive.  Sam's Club also had spiral notebooks at a good price in a pack.

1 LDS Scripture Red marking pencil - they are .20 cents each through

1 Bookmark - I made a bookmark from free paint chip samples.  But you could make or buy any type you'd like.

Reading chart - I'm not a big fan of reading charts, but some people love them, so I included a small one and a larger one for older eyes.  You can find Book of Mormon reading charts on line in many different places.

1 ball point pen - They'll be writing their thoughts and I wanted them to have everything at their fingertips.

Happiness Project Instruction sheet - Information included below.

I put the entire packet in a large ziploc bag and decorated it with stickers and decorative duck tape. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You would NOT have to create this packet for your sisters to participate in the Happiness Project.  All principles from the project could be completed without spending any money!

SUCCESS!! The success of this project has surprised me!  I hoped it might help even one other sister besides me.  In just five months, we have had one sister obtain her temple recommend again and go back to the Temple because of the Happiness Project.  We also had a baptism of another sister because of this Project.  Several other Wards are now implementing this idea with much success.

In addition, monthly our Ward sisters meet together to talk about our study of the Book of Mormon.  These have been wonderful gatherings where we can share our love of the gospel and Scripture study.

Good luck as you find your happiness studying God's word!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Following is the text of the handout you will print out for each sister which gives the outline of the project:


"True, enduring happiness, with the accompanying strength, courage, and capacity to overcome the greatest difficulties, will come as you center your life in Jesus Christ.  Obedience to His teachings provides a secure ascent into the journey of life.  That takes effort.   While there is no guarantee of overnight results, there is the assurance that, in the Lord's time, solutions will come, peace will prevail, and happiness will be yours."  Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, November 2006.

This project is one that the women & young women of the ___________Ward have embarked on together to find happiness & peace through prayer & scripture study.

It is a Book of Mormon Scripture reading project. This is a 'go-at-your-own' pace project.  There are no deadlines to complete. 

The goal is to commit to scripture study & prayer each day.  Find a time & place that works best for you.  There is not a length of time per day to study, but suggestions are at least 10 minutes per day.

There are 4 easy steps to follow.

1.  PRAY PRIOR TO READING.  The scriptures were written by inspiration.  Consequently, they are best understood when we have a relationship with the Holy Ghost.  It prepares our heart when we pray before reading.  You might consider asking what the Lord would want you to learn from your study each day.

2.  READ.

a. Understand the setting by reading the chapter & book headings.

b. Don't be afraid to go slow.  Our study will be more valuable if we can slow down & focus more as we read.

c. Insert your name in a verse to make it more personal. (example: 2 Nephi 31:20 replace 'ye' with your name)

d. Visualize - Picture in your mind what is taking place.  Let the people come to life in your mind.

e. Ask yourself in relation to this Happiness Project: "What can I pick out in my reading today that will help me be happier today?"

f. Marking Scriptures - Marking is personal.  You can mark them any way that makes YOU happy.  Suggestions are to write in the margins when thoughts come to mind. You might consider writing longer thoughts on post-its and attaching them to your pages. 

g.  Look for principles.  The Scriptures are FULL of them!  A principle is a concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances.  A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing circumstances.  (example: 1 Nephi 7:12 - If we exercise faith in the Lord, He is able to do all things, according to His will, for the children of men.)

h. Liken the Scriptures to yourself. Compare them to your own life.  See what you can learn and apply to your own circumstances.  (example: How does what I just read apply to me today?)

3.  WRITE. You are provided a Scripture Journal to write your thoughts each day.  Write even just a key word or your feelings about your study.  Draw a picture!  This is your spiritual journey.  Write whatever thoughts you have about your spiritual journey that day.

4.  APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE READ. The real value of Scripture study comes when we live what we learn.  Greater closeness to the Lord and feeling the peace & happiness He gives are just some of the blessings that come to those who apply gospel teachings in their lives. 

Elder Richard G. Scott said:  "Scriptures can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope and a restoration of confidence in one's ability to overcome the challenges of life."

President Gordon B. Hinckley said:  "I am grateful for emphasis on reading the Scriptures.  I hope that for you this will become something far more enjoyable than a duty, that rather, it will become a love affair with the word of God.  I promise that as you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits will be lifted."

Please join us as we embark together on this Happiness Project.  We look forward to hearing how Scripture Study is helping you.  Share your thoughts and ideas!  Give encouragement to those who may need it!  We will continue to discuss our progress with the Happiness Project throughout the coming months.

If you have any questions about this Project, or need some 'Scripture Study encouragement', please give me a call!       

Love, Sister _________________________

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Isaiah...His Words in the Book of Mormon

Just as you are engrossed in the story of Lehi and his family from the Book of Mormon, things change!  The words get complicated and confusing.  What has happened?  Nephi begins teaching his family about the teachings of the great Prophet Isaiah.  Instead of skipping these important chapters, embrace Isaiah and his words! 

I believe that understanding Isaiah is a very personal and individual journey.  It's like a puzzle that has to be put together piece by piece until one day a beautiful picture has been completed.  Understanding Isaiah takes faith, prayer and a little detective work!  Following are ideas taken from the Old Testament Seminary Student Manual, plus various other articles on to help you as you unlock the words of this great Prophet!


ISAIAH……Prophet of God, Seer, Revelator, Gifted Writer & Poet

·         The name Isaiah means ‘The Lord Is Salvation’ or ‘Jehovah saves’.

·         Prophet in Jerusalem during 40 years (740-701 BC)

·         As King Hezekiah’s Chief Advisor, Isaiah had great religious & political influence.

·         Tradition states that he was “sawn asunder” during the reign of Manasseh

·         Jesus quoted Isaiah more frequently than he quoted any other prophet.

·         Isaiah is quoted more in the New Testament than any other prophet. (Quoted at least 57 times)

·         There are 66 Chapters in the Book of Isaiah for a total of 1,292 verses.

·         Nephite Prophets considered Isaiah’s words so valuable they put 35 percent of it on the valuable space they had on the plates as they quoted or paraphrased 468 verses of the Book of Isaiah.

·         The Doctrine & Covenants makes approximately 100 references to Isaiah by quoting, paraphrasing or interpreting its teachings.


During the time that Isaiah prophesied, the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel.  The Southern Kingdom of Judah, where Isaiah lived, was under tribute to Assyria and also faced destruction.  They were spared, however, because Judah’s King Hezekiah obeyed Isaiah’s counsel.  


·         Many of his prophecies apply not only to his time, but to the time of Jesus, to our day & to the future.  Sometimes even the same verse can apply to more than one time period.


·         First & Second Comings of Jesus Christ

·         The Scattering & Gathering Of Israel

·         The Millennium

·         Prophecies of Jesus Christ

·         A major theme is that God requires righteousness of His people, & until they obey Him they will be smitten & scattered by their enemies.  But in the end, Israel will be restored.

·         He proclaims the message of Jesus Christ and the way of salvation Jesus provided through the atonement.




v  Jesus Christ to the Nephites:  3 Nephi 20:11 & 23:1-3

v  Angel Moroni to Joseph Smith: Quoted Isaiah 11 (JS-H 1:40)

v  Nephi to his people: 2 Nephi 11:2, 8 and 25:1, 4, 7-8

v  Jacob to his people: 2 Nephi 6:5



1.       As you SEEK THE HELP OF THE HOLY GHOST, you will find that Isaiah will become one of the most inspiring and powerful books of all Scripture.


2.       PAY THE PRICE IN STUDY & EFFORT – Isaiah’s writings are an advanced level of Scripture.  He seldom explained his doctrine but assumed that the reader already had a knowledge of the gospel and the Lord’s plan of Salvation.  Isaiah’s book is written in a poetic, literary style that makes extensive use of symbolism to communicate to those who are spiritually mature.  Isaiah’s words are similar to the parables that Jesus taught.  Many of the people of Jesus’ time were spiritually immature and unprepared to receive the doctrines he taught.  He was able to teach the more spiritually mature and at the same time veil his teachings from those who were not prepared to understand or follow them.  Isaiah also veiled his teachings in language that preserved his teachings for those who would understand with their heart. 

3.       HAVE THE “SPIRIT OF PROPHECY” – Righteous people who are serving the Lord and seeking to do His will can obtain the spirit of prophecy by searching the scriptures diligently and giving themselves ‘to much prayer and fasting’ (Alma 17:3).  The Lord will give knowledge to those who prepare themselves and sincerely seek it.


4.       UNDERSTAND THE MANNER OF PROPHESYING OF THE JEWS - One reason Nephi gave for his people being unable to understand the writings of Isaiah was that they knew not concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews (2 Nephi 25:1).  This has several elements:



a)      Law of Moses – The house of Israel in Old Testament times lived under the Law of Moses, which is found in the first 5 books of the Old Testament.  One of Isaiah’s main objectives in his writings was to bring the people to a consciousness of and conformity to the covenants of the law.  The Law, in turn, was designed to teach them of Christ, to keep them in remembrance of Him and bring them to Him.  The Law of Moses was the root from which the prophesying of the Jews sprang.


b)      Familiarity - Isaiah began his book with a quotation from the song of Moses, which is contained in the Law.  (Isaiah 1:2 compare with Deuteronomy 32:1)  This song was immediately recognizable to the Hebrew people, for it was very familiar to them.  A word or phrase from the law, which was known by most Hebrews, brought to their minds much more than was on the written page.  Isaiah was able to communicate very effectively with those who knew the law, for he didn’t need to explain in detail what he meant in every word or phrase.  This is similar to our day as well. A majority of active members of the Church could complete the statement by Pres. David O McKay, “No success can compensate for….”   Much of what Isaiah wrote was familiar to his Hebrew audience and therefore much didn’t have to be explained.


5.       Imagery & figurative language: Isaiah extensively used images and symbols to teach.  He wrote about the moon being ashamed, a land so joyful that the trees clap their hands & a book that speaks from the dust.  If you can read beyond these and other images to understand the FEELINGS & PRINCIPLES Isaiah wrote about, his words will take on much greater meaning.   Isaiah used in his writings images and figures of speech that were well understood by the Hebrew people.  For those with other backgrounds, understanding the Hebrew manner of writing is often difficult.  Isaiah did not intend for every word he used to be interpreted in its most literal sense.  He made constant use of metaphors, similes, analogies, parables, types and shadows.  In Isaiah 1:1 the prophecy said he was speaking about Judah and Jerusalem, yet in Isaiah 1:10 he said “Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; ye people of Gomorrah”.  He could not literally be speaking to Sodom and Gomorrah, for they were destroyed in the time of Abraham because of their wickedness.  Isaiah used the names Sodom and Gomorrah to tell Judah even more forcefully that they were very wicked and were very close to being destroyed, just as Sodom and Gomorrah had been.

Other examples:

‘Thy neck is an iron sinew’ representing the stubbornness of the people

‘Furnace of Affliction’ in which He would purity and refine his people

‘Thy peace as a river’ to convey the idea of peace of mind that comes to the righteous


6.       Learn of the Judgments of God and the Fulfillment of His Prophecies: The Lord is consistent in his dealings with his Children in all ages of the world.  To understand Isaiah’s writings, one should know of the Lord’s teachings and workings given thru other prophets.  As one learns of the patterns of actions that cause people to withdraw from God, the warnings of Isaiah can be better understood.  That which was condemned by Isaiah is treated similarly by the Lord in all ages. 


7.       Study all Scriptures and Learn Them Thoroughly:  Passages from Isaiah are quoted and explained in all of the Scriptures.  The more one knows of all the Scriptures, the better one can understand Isaiah.  All elements of the gospel plan are interrelated.  As you learn more and more from the Scriptures, the pieces come together as in a puzzle and begin to form one great and beautiful whole.


8.       Isaiah is Understood Line Upon Line:  The Lord always provides a way for his children to fulfill His commandments (1 N. 3:7)  When he gave instructions to study the words of Isaiah, he fully intended that those who followed His instructions would be able to understand Isaiah’s message and be positively affected by it.  To those who are willing to pay the price, Isaiah can become an open book.  Its greatest message is for the Saints of today, who live in an era when one can see the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies.  For all who seek, Isaiah provides enlightenment that will be of great value in their efforts to perfect their lives and to contribute to the building up of the Lord’s kingdom.  Understanding will come, though not all at once.  It will come ‘line upon line, precept upon precept’ (2 N. 28:30) according to the efforts of the seekers of truth.


(Excerpts taken from LDS Old Testament Student Manual, Understanding Isaiah and other resources from 2013)

Compiled for The Happiness Project Scripture Study Group  10/22/13


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Anti-Nephi-Lehies Weapons of War, Not Just Laid Down....BURIED!

Our story continues with the Anti-Nephi-Lehies who had just laid down their weapons of war.  They would fight no more against their brethren.

The Amalekites, Amulonites and Lamanites who were in the lands all around were stirred up in great anger toward this people who had changed so completely.

Their hatred was so extreme that they began to rebel against their King.  Remember this King was King Lamoni's Father.  The HEAD King of Kings, so to speak.  They did not want him as their King any longer.  Weapons and arms were soon coming against the Anti-Nephi-Lehies.

Lamoni's Father
Artist: James H. Fullmer
The King conferred the Kingdom over to his son.  He re-named his son Anti-Nephi-Lehi.  (I wonder if the son was thrilled with the name change?  But I digress.....)  This good old King who had changed his ways completely, embraced the gospel himself and allowed his people to freely choose the gospel if they desired it, died in that same year. 

If we are talking heroes, this Lamanite King had become one of the best.  The old King died as the Lamanites were making their final preparations for war.  

When Ammon and his brothers and all those who had come to do missionary work, saw the nightmare that was about to happen, they came back to the land of Ishmael to meet in council with King Lamoni and also with his newly appointed brother, King Anti-Nephi-Lehi.  They wanted to help.  They wanted to help defend against the brutal army that was coming soon with no mercy in sight.

"Now there was not ONE soul among all the people who had been converted to the Lord that would take arms against their brethren; nay, they would not even make any preparations for war; yea, and also their king commanded them that they should not."  Alma 24:6  

King Anti-Nephi-Lehi spoke to his people.  He thanked God for the Nephites, the sons of Mosiah and others who had come to preach repentance. He had gratitude for those who had convinced them of the wicked traditions of their fathers.    He thanked God for the spirit that had been given so that their hearts would be softened.  He was thankful for the open correspondence they now had with the Nephites, who were truly their brethren in the gospel.  The King went on to say:

"I also thank my God, yea, my great God, that he hath granted unto us that we might repent of these things, and also that he hath forgiven us of those our many sins and murders which we have committed, and taken away the guilt from our hearts, through the merits of his Son.....Now, my best beloved brethren, since God hath taken away our stains, and our swords have become bright, then let us stain our swords no more with the blood of our brethren....Let us retain our swords that they be not stained with the blood of our brethren; for perhaps, if we should stain our swords again they can no more be washed bright through the blood of the Son of our great God, which shall be shed for the atonement of our sins."  excerpts from Alma 24:10-13

The King continued his heartfelt speech.  He gave one more piece of counsel to his people:

"And now, my brethren, if our brethren seek to destroy us, behold, we will hide away our swords, yea, even we will bury them deep in the earth, that they may be kept bright, as a testimony that we have never used them, at the last day; and if our brethren destroy us, behold, we shall "go" to our God and shall be saved."  Alma 24:16

As the King finished, all of the people there gathered their swords.  They had previously laid down their weapons of rebellion vowing to never use them again.  Now they were taking an even bigger step.  The King had asked them to commit further.  They would not only lay down their weapons, but they would bury them deep in the earth never to retrieve them again. 
Image from
"They took their swords, and all the weapons which had been used for the shedding of man's blood, they did bury them deep in the earth."  Alma 24:17

This they did as a testimony to God.  They vowed and promised that rather than shed blood of their brothers, they would give up their own lives.  Rather than take from their brother, they would give to him.  They would not be idle any more.  They promised to labor abundantly with their hands for the rest of their lives.

"And thus we see that, when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm, and would suffer even unto death rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried their weapons of peace, or they buried the weapons of war for peace. "Alma 24:19

While the Anti-Nephi-Lehies were burying their weapons, vowing to do good to their brethren, the Lamanites were continuing their preparations in the opposite direction.

They had an agenda.  Their purpose was to destroy the king, to place another in his stead and to ultimately destroy the Anti-Nephi-Lehies out of the land.

When the Anti-Nephi-Lehies realized that the Lamanites were truly coming against them, what do you think they did?  What would you do?  Would they race back and un-bury their weapons?  Would they run for cover?  Would they denounce their new religion?  

What they did next was the reason I think they are heroes of epic proportions....

"Now when the people saw that they [Lamanites] were coming against them they went out to meet them, and prostrated themselves before them to the earth, and began to call on the name of the Lord; and thus they were in this attitude when the Lamanites began to fall upon them, and began to slay them with the sword.  And thus without meeting any resistance, they did slay a thousand and five of them; and we know that they are blessed, for they have gone to dwell with their God."  Alma 24:21-22
Image from

I can scarely imagine the scene.  Rather than retreating, they laid on the earth, praying and rejoicing in their God and were massacred as they did it.   I wonder how those that were doing the killing felt about this?

"....When the Lamanites saw that their brethren would not flee from the sword, neither would they turn aside to the right hand or to the left, but that they would lie down and perish, and praised God even in the very act of perishing under the sword--Now when the Lamanites saw this they did forbear from slaying them; and there were many whose hearts had swollen in them for those of their brethren who had fallen under the sword, for they repented of the things which they had done."  Alma 23-24

The scene of 1,005 dead innocents must have been so disturbing that many of these hard and fierce Lamanites stopped.  They stopped the killing and they repented of what they had done.  They threw down their weapons and would not take them up again.  The Scriptures say they were "stung" for the murders which they had committed.

"The people of God were joined that day by more than the number who had been slain and those who had been slain were righteous people, therefore we have no reason to doubt but what they were saved." Alma 24:26

On that dramatic day, over a thousand Lamanites were brought to the knowledge of the truth!

"Thus we see that the Lord worketh in many ways to the salvation of his people"  Alma 24:27

Some of the Lamanites were most angry because they had slain their own brethren.  In this anger they turned their vengeance upon those who they thought had created all of their problems to begin with.....the NEPHITES.   They took their armies and fought many battles with the Nephites in which they were driven and slain.

So many had suffered so much loss and so many trials.   Sometimes in the depths of despair, as is often the way of human nature, they began to be stirred up to remember the words of Aaron and his brothers who had preached to them.  Many converted to the ways of the Lord.   Many more did join with this people of God.  They too did bury their weapons of war, as their brothers before them had done.  They walked in the ways of the Lord and observed to keep the commandments of God.

A happier group of people you couldn't find than Ammon, Aaron, Omner and Himni and their brothers in the gospel.  They did rejoice for the success which they had among the Lamanites.  It had been a long 14 years but the Lord had granted unto them their greatest desires.  He had kept them safe as he had promised their father, Mosiah. 

The Anti-Nephi-Lehies had grown in converts, the sons of Mosiah were thrilled with their success.  There were however some that didn't share the love.  Some were extremely angry.  Their quest for revenge would not stop.  They turned their attention and their weapons once again toward the Anti-Nephi-Lehies vowing to destroy again. 

It had become a vicious cycle, but Ammon wouldn't have it.  He and his brothers had a plan.....


In this section of the Book of Mormon, what principles did you discover?  Here are a few of my own thoughts....
1.  Just as the Anti-Nephi-Lehies buried their weapons of war, we should bury our weapons of rebellion.  They did not just 'lay them down'.  They buried them deep in the earth.  As was mentioned in the last post, it's important to get rid of the weapons that we use to keep us from progressing spiritually. These weapons can range from pride to disobedience to judgement of others, to anything that keeps us from the Lord and our Heavenly Father.  As natural men and women, we carry these weapons of rebellion with us each day.   The trick is to lay them down, which to me, means to recognize first that we're even carrying them!  The next step as King Anti-Nephi-Lehi directed to his people, would be to bury them deep in the earth.   To me in order to liken this to myself, that means to completely free ourselves from whatever that weapon is that is impeding our spiritual growth.   Definitely easier said than done.  Some of our weapons of rebellion are hard to release.  We can use the Anti-Nephi-Lehies as our example.  They buried them and NEVER looked back.
A great family night or class activity might be to get a big pot of dirt (or an area of the garden) and have each family member write down their personal weapon of rebellion that they are going to "bury" never to dig back up again. They could seal up their 'weapons' in an envelope and bury them deep in the soil. This activity would be a tangible reminder of what the "Anti-Nephi-Lehies" accomplished and would further turn our hearts to our Savior as we get rid of our own personal weapons of rebellion.

2.  Can I show my complete love and devotion to my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ by following and abiding by the rules they have set down for me?  Can I remember my covenants and promises like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies did?

3.  I love this simple verse from Alma 24:27 "Thus we see that the Lord worketh in many ways to the salvation of his people"   Can I look at my own life and see how the Lord is working and has worked in many ways for my salvation?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Anti-Nephi-Lehies...A New Name & A New Way of Life

Sometimes just one person can be a hero.  Other times, a group can do something so incredible that they are together classified as heroes. 

No finer group of heroes could there be than the Lamanites who were converted by the sons of Mosiah.  These people were FULLY converted to the Lord.  So converted that they NEVER did fall away from the Gospel.  They were ALL in! 

They were so righteous in fact that they laid down all of their weapons.  Every weapon that they had used to murder and fight and defend.  These weapons that were so comfortable in their hands, that they had probably used since their late youth.   How difficult must it have been for them to completely and utterly change their entire way of life!  No more murders or fighting!  Their 'weapons of rebellion' were laid down as it says in Alma 23:7.   They would no longer fight against God or against any of their brethren.  I can't think of a better definition of the word 'hero' than these converts.

I have often pondered about these Lamanite 'weapons of rebellion'.  How could I liken them somehow to my own life.  How can we liken these old Lamanite weapons to what we are experiencing today?

What rebellious weapons do we each have in our own personal arsenals that feel difficult if not impossible to lay down?
  • What weapons do we lean on each day instead of turning to the Lord and our Heavenly Father? 
  • What weapons do we use to fight against God on a daily basis? 
  • Is one of our weapons that we choose to immerse our minds in inappropriate things via media, television, etc. 
  • Maybe our weapon of choice is pride.  In that we think that everything should be OUR way, instead of HIS way?  
  • Do we pull our swords of rebelliousness out at every turn? 
  • What about not being quite able to submit ourselves and become compliant to all the ways of the Lord? 
Don't each of us have different weapons of rebellion in our own lives that we need to 'lay down' just as the converted Lamanites did.

As we continue our discussion of these heroes, seven entire cities/lands were converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ all because four young men (Ammon, Aaron, Omner & Himni) decided to change their own lives in a big way.  With this change of heart they gave up everything comfortable to preach and teach the Word of God to their (then) enemies.   Now enemies NO more.  An amazing number became converted to the ways of the Lord forever.

1. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of ISHMAEL were converted.
2. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of MIDDONI were converted.
3. The people of the Lamanites who were in the city of NEPHI were converted.
4. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of SHILOM were converted.
5. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of SHEMLON were converted.
6. The people of the Lamanites who were in the city of LEMUEL were converted.
7. The people of the Lamanites who were in the city of SHIMNILOM were converted.

What a leap of faith this must have been for these convert heroes.  To give up everything they had known their entire lives for the truth that they had just been taught.

The King (Lamoni's father) and those who had been converted wanted to be known by a new name.  One that would set them apart from their unconverted brethren.  The King consulted with Aaron and many of the priests concerning the name that they should take upon themselves.

"And it came to pass that they called their names Anti-Nephi-Lehies; and they were called by this name and were no more called Lamanites." Alma 23:17

For many years I wondered about this name, why would these people want to be 'anti' anything?  In further study, the "Book of Mormon Reference Companion" (Dennis L. Largey General Editor) states in regard to the name Anti-Nephi-Lehies:  "The name "Anti" of "Anti-Nephi-Lehies" may be a reflex of the Egyptian nty "he of, the one of".  Thus rather than having the sense "against" it has the meaning "the one OF Nephi and Lehi."   Ahh....their new name meant they were one WITH their brethren in the Gospel, not against them!

These people were very industrious.  They became friendly with the Nephites and opened communication with them!  The Lord's hand has caused miracles to happen in the lives of these people.  Remember a few years earlier they were dire enemies AGAINST everything Nephite!

Picture this group of new converts, without weapons, without hatred, full of the love of their Heavenly Father, full of repentance, with hope and wonder of a new future.    Maybe now this group of heroes could rest and find a little peace.

There were, however, many unconverted Lamanites, very near, that were not feeling this urge for peace.  They were feeling just the opposite. Full of anger and hostility, they turned their rage and weapons toward the easiest target they could find.....the Anti-Nephi-Lehies.

Would the Anti-Nephi-Lehies in fear, pick up their weapons to fight again?  Would they be so afraid that they would have no choice but to buckle to the demands of their unrighteous brethren?  Where could they turn for help? 

Sometimes being fully converted to the Gospel and to the Lord, Jesus Christ, is not an easy road.  This group of heroes was new to it all.  How would they handle the biggest challenge of their new repentant lives?

What principles did you discover in this section of the Book of Mormon?  Here's a few of my thoughts:

1.  Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ can work miracles with our lives, if we are willing to be pliable and do what is asked of us.  The Sons of Mosiah listened to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  They had a BIG dream to preach the Gospel to their enemies.  They and their families had faith that they would be safe and have success...and that is exactly what happened!  Nothing is impossible with help of our Savior and Father in Heaven!

2.  It took great courage for the Anti-Nephi-Lehies to put down their weapons of rebellion.  What weapons of rebellion do I hold in my personal arsenal?  Am I willing to release and let go of them and never lift them again?

3.  Do I have the courage to change my ways.  Do I have the strength and courage to turn my heart, mind and strength to the Lord Jesus Christ and to my Heavenly Father never wavering in my commitment?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Lamanite King's Request of Aaron

What would the old Lamanite King request of Aaron?  This could have gone ALL bad...but instead another tender mercy!

The request made by the Lamanite King was the following..."I insist that ye shall administer unto me; for I have been somewhat troubled in mind because of the generosity and the greatness of the words of thy brother Ammon; and I desire to know the cause why he has not come up out of Middoni with thee." Alma 22:3

Lamoni's father
image from
His request to Aaron was simple. "Where is your brother, Ammon?" Awesome! 

Aaron has a great reply. "Behold, the Spirit of the Lord has called him another way" Alma 21:4. 

The King was intrigued by Aaron's choice of words. "What is this that ye have said concerning the Spirit of the Lord? Behold, this is the thing which doth trouble me." Alma 22:6

The King was also concerned about repentance and salvation.  Aaron began to teach and preach to the aged King. The King was receptive to his words. Can you imagine how Aaron must have felt? Such joy and probably relief! The King was teachable as he said "If now thou sayest there is a God, behold I will believe".  Alma 22:7

Aaron's heart rejoiced.  He began a great teaching discussion speaking of everything from the creation of Adam, the fall of Adam, the plan of redemption, Jesus Christ, faith, repentance, the atonement, resurrection and basically the whole plan of salvation from beginning to end.

After Aaron spoke these powerful words, the King wondered..."What shall I do that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken? What shall I do that I may be born of God, having this wicked spirit rooted out of my breast, and receive his Spirit, that I may be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day? I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy." Alma 22:16

Talk about a golden contact!!  

Aaron said with great conviction, "If thou wilt bow down before God, yea, if thou wilt repent of all thy sins and will bow down before God, and call on his name in faith, believing that ye shall receive, then shalt thou receive the hope which thou desirest." Alma 22:16  

As Aaron said these words, the King did exactly what he was asked to do. He bowed down right then and there before the Lord on his knees and actually went a little further and laid down upon the earth and cried mightily saying:

"O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God, and if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me and I will give away all my sins to know thee, and that I may be raised from the dead, and be saved at the last day." Alma 22:18

As the King said these words...he was struck as if he were dead.  Uh, oh...sound familiar? Here we go again.

In another deja vu moment, the servants ran and told the King's wife. She came in and saw the King laying on the ground as if he were dead and saw Aaron and his brothers standing as though they were the cause of the fall. She put 'two plus two' together assuming that Aaron had killed the King. She was very angry with them and commanded that her servants should take Aaron and his people and kill them.

The servants saw what had actually happened and so they would not do as the Queen asked because they saw the power with which Aaron spoke. As the Queen saw the fear of the servants, she began to fear too. So she told her servants to go find some other people that they would kill Aaron and his people.  She wasn't letting this go!

As Aaron realized the determination of this Queen and the hardness of the Lamanite people which he had seen first hand, he made a split second (smart!) decision.  Aaron put forth his hand and raised the King from the earth and said unto him. "STAND" And he stood upon his feet, receiving his strength." Alma 22:22.   WOW....another blessed miracle for a son of Mosiah.

Lamoni's father
Artist: James H. Fullmer
As the King stood he began to minister to his wife and the servants. The whole household was converted unto the Lord. Did that last sentence soak in?  Yes....the WHOLE household was converted unto the Lord!

A large group gathered together at the King's residence and many murmurings began among them. The King stood forth in front of them and caused that Aaron and his people should preach the word of God unto them. The king went further.

He caused a proclamation to be sent throughout the land, among all the people in the vast Kingdom that he ruled over. This proclamation said that no one could lay their hands on Ammon, Aaron, Omner or Himni, nor any of their brethren as they went forth preaching the word of God, in whatever place they should be in any part of their land. The proclamation went further.

It stated that no one could bind them, cast them into prison, spit upon them, hit them, or even cast them out of their synagogues. They couldn't scourge them or hit them with stones.  The brothers could have FULL access to their houses, their temples and their sanctuaries. They were basically given free and safe reign to preach the word of God and the gospel to whoever and wherever the Lord sent them!  Another tender and gigantic mercy of the Lord!

Aaron and his brethren went from city to city, from house to house, establishing churches, consecrating priests and teachers throughout the Land of the Lamanites. Thousands were brought to the knowledge of the Lord, to believe in the traditions of the Nephites and taught the records and prophecies which had been handed down from generation to generation of Nephites.

"....Through the preaching of Ammon and his brethren, according to the spirit of revelation and of prophecy, and the power of God working miracles in them--yea, I say unto you, as the Lord liveth, as many of the Lamanites as believed in their preaching, and were converted unto the Lord, NEVER DID FALL AWAY." Alma 23:6   They NEVER did fall away.

They became a righteous people...and all of this because four brothers decided to leave the comfort of their homes and go to a strange land of enemies to preach the Gospel in full matter what the consequences.

What principles did you discover in this section of the Book of Mormon?  Here are a few to consider:

1. Don't be afraid to approach someone about the Gospel. Aaron approached the powerful King because the Spirit directed him to. When the Spirit directs me, do I hesitate, ignore or listen and act?

2. Heavenly Father will always hear our prayers. Always. Even when you don't think he is listening. He is. The Spirit has taught this to me over and over in my life. Pray. Even when you don't want to, or don't think it will matter. It will matter and He will be there.

3.  Through all the hard work, road blocks, setbacks and tribulation that happened to Aaron and his brethren, great miracles were had.  In my mind, the greatest being the group of amazing Lamanites who embraced the gospel and NEVER did fall away from it.  Sometimes the greatest blessings come AFTER the trials.  I wonder if Aaron realized when he was sitting in prison being tormented that his greatest accomplishments would soon occur!  We need to look beyond our trials and disappointments.  Have faith in the Lord and our Heavenly Father and look to them for guidance.  The greatest things will happen after the trial of our faith!

4.  Tender mercies came abundantly to Aaron and his brothers.  Tender mercies can and do come to each one of us.  Sometimes we just don't realize it.  We think it's a 'coincidence' or just 'good luck'.  I testify that as we write down tender mercies that occur in our own lives, the spirit of the Lord will testify to each of us that they are NOT coincidence or luck.  They are gifts from the Lord.

Challenge:  For 30 days, put a pad of post-its by your bathroom mirror.  Each day, reflect and write each tender mercy that comes into your life on a post-it and attach it to your mirror.  You will be able to see the hand of the Lord working miracles in your life.  Sometimes we are so busy we don't recognize or realize it until it's spelled out in front of us!


Friday, December 28, 2012

The Rest of Aaron's Story...A story of Determination and Courage

Artist: James H. Fullner
Our last adventure included the freeing of Aaron and his friends from prison at the hands of his brother, Ammon and King Lamoni.  The end of that story?  I think not!  Why did Aaron get put in prison in the first place?

My thoughts trail back to the beginning of the story of the sons of Mosiah. 

Image from: LDS Book of Mormon Student Seminary Manual
They wanted to go amongst the Lamanite people to teach the gospel that they dearly loved.   Remember their parting?  How difficult it must have been to leave each other especially as they were embarking on unfamiliar enemy territory.
Image from:
Remember that Ammon had chosen to go to the land of Ishmael where he had met King Lamoni.  Ammon, through divine inspiration converted the King and his wife plus many, many more in this land.

On the other hand, as these brethren parted ways, Aaron took his journey towards the land called by the Lamanites, Jerusalem, named after their forefather's original birthplace.  This city, Jerusalem was impressive.  It had been built by the hands of the Lamanites, Amalekites and the Amulonites.  The Lamanites themselves were a very hardened group, but the Amalekites and Amulonites were even harder!  These people were strong in wickedness and abominations.  Just Aaron's luck that he would find himself in this most wicked city among these most wicked people!? 

However, Aaron was filled with the Holy Ghost and armed with his precious testimony.  He began to preach in the Lamanite synagogues. 

Aaron entered into one of these synagogues to teach and preach. There rose up an Amalekite who began to argue with him asking him many questions.   Can you picture that this guy with loads of questions speaking to Aaron in a very prideful and huffy manner?  Remember that Aaron was just a young man too, which adds even more drama to the story.

The Amalekite questions:
"What is that thou hast testified? 
Hast thou seen an angel? 
Why do not angels appear unto us? 
Behold are not THIS people as good as THY people? 
Thou also sayest, except we repent we shall perish. 
How knowest thou the thought and intent of our hearts? 
How knowest thou that we have cause to repent? 
How knowest thou that we are not a righteous people? 
Behold, we have built sanctuaries and we do assemble ourselves together to worship God. 
We do believe that God will save all men.
Alma 21:5-6

Having the spirit wrapped around him, Aaron could have lost his cool, been afraid or been tongue-tied, but instead he asked a simple question of the Amalekite:  
"Believest thou that the Son of God shall come to redeem mankind from their sins?" Alma 21:7

The Amalekite replied: "We do not believe that thou knowest any such thing.  We do not believe in these foolish traditions.  We do not believe that thou knowest of things to come, neither do we believe that thy fathers and also that our fathers did know concerning the things which they spake, of that which is to come."  Alma 21:8

With complete composure, Aaron calmly opened the Scriptures and spoke concerning the coming of Christ, and spoke concerning the resurrection of the dead.  He testified that there could be no redemption for mankind except thru the death and sufferings of Jesus Christ and thru the atonement of his blood.  As Aaron spoke of these sacred teachings, the group began to be VERY angry with him.  They began to mock him and they would not listen to any of the words he spoke. 

Aaron realized that his preaching was falling on deaf ears.  He left their synagogue and went to a village called Ani-Anti.  There he found Muloki, his friend, along with Ammah and his brethren, preaching the word of God.  They were contending with many about the Word of God in that place, as well.

These guys realized they were getting nowhere fast and so they traveled into the land of Middoni.  There they did preach the word of God to many people, but few believed their words.  Can you imagine their discouragement?  Can you imagine their disappointment?

At this point, to make matters worse, Aaron and some of his companions were taken into prison.  The remainder fled out of Middoni into the lands round about.

Aaron and his companions suffered greatly in prison until they were delivered by the hand of his brother Ammon and King Lamoni.

If it were me, I would have been re-thinking my plan to teach among the Lamanites.  Not a lot of success had come Aaron's way to this point.  But did he give up?  NO!  He went forth again declaring the word of God in EVERY synagogue of the Amalekites and in every assembly of the Lamanites were they could be admitted.  And guess what began to happen??

"And it came to pass that the Lord began to bless them, insomuch that they brought many to the knowledge of the truth; yea, they did convince many of their sins, and of the traditions of their fathers, which were not correct."  Alma 21:17 

This is a major principle alert!  These guys had not had much success to this point.  But they DID NOT give up.  Even after prison, they kept teaching and preaching and what happened?  Things began to change.  The Lord began to bless them and people started listening, learning and becoming teachable.  In our lives, when things may not be going well, we can't give up.  As we continue with our righteous endeavors, the Lord will bless us!

Let's talk about Ammon for a moment:
AMMON and King Lamoni went back to Ishmael.  King Lamoni caused that synagogues should be built in his land and he taught his people that they should assemble together often.  He taught them many righteous things.  He declared that they were a free people.  Free from the oppressions of his father, the King and from himself.  He also taught them that they could have freedom to worship the Lord their God according to their own desires, in whatever way they chose.  Ammon taught King Lamoni's people as well.  He taught them ALL things pertaining to righteousness.  He did preach to them every day with diligence, and the beautiful part was that they listened.  They were "zealous for keeping the commandments of God." Alma 21:23

While Ammon continued teaching King Lamoni's people, let's return to AARON.  Aaron was led by the Spirit to the land of Nephi, to a very important house.  To the house of the father of King Lamoni.  The BIG head honcho of all the land.  Remember this had been the King who had originally tried to kill Ammon! 

Don't you find it interesting that the spirit is leading Aaron right to him.  Aaron went into the King's palace and explained who he and his brethren were.  Aaron stated they they would be the King's servants.  The King told them that they didn't need to be his servants, but he did have one insistent request...  Oh, no what would that request be??

Would Aaron be thrown back in prison?  Would the King try to kill Aaron as he had previously tried to kill his brother?

What principles did you discover in this section of the Book of Mormon? Here's a few of my personal thoughts:

1.  When life is difficult, do not give up.  Have faith.  Heavenly Father will bless our lives.  Sometimes we have to learn patience, long suffering and courage as part of the plan for our life. 

2.  We need to remember to ask for help from Heavenly Father!  When in doubt, PRAY! 

3. Don't be afraid to approach someone about the Gospel. Aaron approached the powerful King because the Spirit directed him to. When the Spirit directs me, do I hesitate, ignore or listen and act?

4.  Do not give up on dreams.  The sons of Mosiah had a big dream.  They could have lost their confidence and courage in the face of adversity, but they did not.  They were buoyed up by the strength of the Lord and GREAT and incredible things happened in the end.

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