Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Isaiah...His Words in the Book of Mormon

Just as you are engrossed in the story of Lehi and his family from the Book of Mormon, things change!  The words get complicated and confusing.  What has happened?  Nephi begins teaching his family about the teachings of the great Prophet Isaiah.  Instead of skipping these important chapters, embrace Isaiah and his words! 

I believe that understanding Isaiah is a very personal and individual journey.  It's like a puzzle that has to be put together piece by piece until one day a beautiful picture has been completed.  Understanding Isaiah takes faith, prayer and a little detective work!  Following are ideas taken from the Old Testament Seminary Student Manual, plus various other articles on lds.org. to help you as you unlock the words of this great Prophet!


ISAIAH……Prophet of God, Seer, Revelator, Gifted Writer & Poet

·         The name Isaiah means ‘The Lord Is Salvation’ or ‘Jehovah saves’.

·         Prophet in Jerusalem during 40 years (740-701 BC)

·         As King Hezekiah’s Chief Advisor, Isaiah had great religious & political influence.

·         Tradition states that he was “sawn asunder” during the reign of Manasseh

·         Jesus quoted Isaiah more frequently than he quoted any other prophet.

·         Isaiah is quoted more in the New Testament than any other prophet. (Quoted at least 57 times)

·         There are 66 Chapters in the Book of Isaiah for a total of 1,292 verses.

·         Nephite Prophets considered Isaiah’s words so valuable they put 35 percent of it on the valuable space they had on the plates as they quoted or paraphrased 468 verses of the Book of Isaiah.

·         The Doctrine & Covenants makes approximately 100 references to Isaiah by quoting, paraphrasing or interpreting its teachings.


During the time that Isaiah prophesied, the Assyrians conquered the Northern Kingdom of Israel.  The Southern Kingdom of Judah, where Isaiah lived, was under tribute to Assyria and also faced destruction.  They were spared, however, because Judah’s King Hezekiah obeyed Isaiah’s counsel.  


·         Many of his prophecies apply not only to his time, but to the time of Jesus, to our day & to the future.  Sometimes even the same verse can apply to more than one time period.


·         First & Second Comings of Jesus Christ

·         The Scattering & Gathering Of Israel

·         The Millennium

·         Prophecies of Jesus Christ

·         A major theme is that God requires righteousness of His people, & until they obey Him they will be smitten & scattered by their enemies.  But in the end, Israel will be restored.

·         He proclaims the message of Jesus Christ and the way of salvation Jesus provided through the atonement.




v  Jesus Christ to the Nephites:  3 Nephi 20:11 & 23:1-3

v  Angel Moroni to Joseph Smith: Quoted Isaiah 11 (JS-H 1:40)

v  Nephi to his people: 2 Nephi 11:2, 8 and 25:1, 4, 7-8

v  Jacob to his people: 2 Nephi 6:5



1.       As you SEEK THE HELP OF THE HOLY GHOST, you will find that Isaiah will become one of the most inspiring and powerful books of all Scripture.


2.       PAY THE PRICE IN STUDY & EFFORT – Isaiah’s writings are an advanced level of Scripture.  He seldom explained his doctrine but assumed that the reader already had a knowledge of the gospel and the Lord’s plan of Salvation.  Isaiah’s book is written in a poetic, literary style that makes extensive use of symbolism to communicate to those who are spiritually mature.  Isaiah’s words are similar to the parables that Jesus taught.  Many of the people of Jesus’ time were spiritually immature and unprepared to receive the doctrines he taught.  He was able to teach the more spiritually mature and at the same time veil his teachings from those who were not prepared to understand or follow them.  Isaiah also veiled his teachings in language that preserved his teachings for those who would understand with their heart. 

3.       HAVE THE “SPIRIT OF PROPHECY” – Righteous people who are serving the Lord and seeking to do His will can obtain the spirit of prophecy by searching the scriptures diligently and giving themselves ‘to much prayer and fasting’ (Alma 17:3).  The Lord will give knowledge to those who prepare themselves and sincerely seek it.


4.       UNDERSTAND THE MANNER OF PROPHESYING OF THE JEWS - One reason Nephi gave for his people being unable to understand the writings of Isaiah was that they knew not concerning the manner of prophesying among the Jews (2 Nephi 25:1).  This has several elements:



a)      Law of Moses – The house of Israel in Old Testament times lived under the Law of Moses, which is found in the first 5 books of the Old Testament.  One of Isaiah’s main objectives in his writings was to bring the people to a consciousness of and conformity to the covenants of the law.  The Law, in turn, was designed to teach them of Christ, to keep them in remembrance of Him and bring them to Him.  The Law of Moses was the root from which the prophesying of the Jews sprang.


b)      Familiarity - Isaiah began his book with a quotation from the song of Moses, which is contained in the Law.  (Isaiah 1:2 compare with Deuteronomy 32:1)  This song was immediately recognizable to the Hebrew people, for it was very familiar to them.  A word or phrase from the law, which was known by most Hebrews, brought to their minds much more than was on the written page.  Isaiah was able to communicate very effectively with those who knew the law, for he didn’t need to explain in detail what he meant in every word or phrase.  This is similar to our day as well. A majority of active members of the Church could complete the statement by Pres. David O McKay, “No success can compensate for….”   Much of what Isaiah wrote was familiar to his Hebrew audience and therefore much didn’t have to be explained.


5.       Imagery & figurative language: Isaiah extensively used images and symbols to teach.  He wrote about the moon being ashamed, a land so joyful that the trees clap their hands & a book that speaks from the dust.  If you can read beyond these and other images to understand the FEELINGS & PRINCIPLES Isaiah wrote about, his words will take on much greater meaning.   Isaiah used in his writings images and figures of speech that were well understood by the Hebrew people.  For those with other backgrounds, understanding the Hebrew manner of writing is often difficult.  Isaiah did not intend for every word he used to be interpreted in its most literal sense.  He made constant use of metaphors, similes, analogies, parables, types and shadows.  In Isaiah 1:1 the prophecy said he was speaking about Judah and Jerusalem, yet in Isaiah 1:10 he said “Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom; ye people of Gomorrah”.  He could not literally be speaking to Sodom and Gomorrah, for they were destroyed in the time of Abraham because of their wickedness.  Isaiah used the names Sodom and Gomorrah to tell Judah even more forcefully that they were very wicked and were very close to being destroyed, just as Sodom and Gomorrah had been.

Other examples:

‘Thy neck is an iron sinew’ representing the stubbornness of the people

‘Furnace of Affliction’ in which He would purity and refine his people

‘Thy peace as a river’ to convey the idea of peace of mind that comes to the righteous


6.       Learn of the Judgments of God and the Fulfillment of His Prophecies: The Lord is consistent in his dealings with his Children in all ages of the world.  To understand Isaiah’s writings, one should know of the Lord’s teachings and workings given thru other prophets.  As one learns of the patterns of actions that cause people to withdraw from God, the warnings of Isaiah can be better understood.  That which was condemned by Isaiah is treated similarly by the Lord in all ages. 


7.       Study all Scriptures and Learn Them Thoroughly:  Passages from Isaiah are quoted and explained in all of the Scriptures.  The more one knows of all the Scriptures, the better one can understand Isaiah.  All elements of the gospel plan are interrelated.  As you learn more and more from the Scriptures, the pieces come together as in a puzzle and begin to form one great and beautiful whole.


8.       Isaiah is Understood Line Upon Line:  The Lord always provides a way for his children to fulfill His commandments (1 N. 3:7)  When he gave instructions to study the words of Isaiah, he fully intended that those who followed His instructions would be able to understand Isaiah’s message and be positively affected by it.  To those who are willing to pay the price, Isaiah can become an open book.  Its greatest message is for the Saints of today, who live in an era when one can see the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecies.  For all who seek, Isaiah provides enlightenment that will be of great value in their efforts to perfect their lives and to contribute to the building up of the Lord’s kingdom.  Understanding will come, though not all at once.  It will come ‘line upon line, precept upon precept’ (2 N. 28:30) according to the efforts of the seekers of truth.


(Excerpts taken from LDS Old Testament Student Manual, Understanding Isaiah and other resources from www.lds.org 2013)

Compiled for The Happiness Project Scripture Study Group  10/22/13

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