Sometimes just one person can be a hero. Other times, a group can do something so incredible that they are together classified as heroes.
No finer group of heroes could there be than the Lamanites who were converted by the sons of Mosiah. These people were FULLY converted to the Lord. So converted that they NEVER did fall away from the Gospel. They were ALL in!
They were so righteous in fact that they laid down all of their weapons. Every weapon that they had used to murder and fight and defend. These weapons that were so comfortable in their hands, that they had probably used since their late youth. How difficult must it have been for them to completely and utterly change their entire way of life! No more murders or fighting! Their 'weapons of rebellion' were laid down as it says in Alma 23:7. They would no longer fight against God or against any of their brethren. I can't think of a better definition of the word 'hero' than these converts.
I have often pondered about these Lamanite 'weapons of rebellion'. How could I liken them somehow to my own life. How can we liken these old Lamanite weapons to what we are experiencing today?
What rebellious weapons do we each have in our own personal arsenals that feel difficult if not impossible to lay down?
- What weapons do we lean on each day instead of turning to the Lord and our Heavenly Father?
- What weapons do we use to fight against God on a daily basis?
- Is one of our weapons that we choose to immerse our minds in inappropriate things via media, television, etc.
- Maybe our weapon of choice is pride. In that we think that everything should be OUR way, instead of HIS way?
- Do we pull our swords of rebelliousness out at every turn?
- What about not being quite able to submit ourselves and become compliant to all the ways of the Lord?
Don't each of us have different weapons of rebellion in our own lives that we need to 'lay down' just as the converted Lamanites did.
As we continue our discussion of these heroes, seven entire cities/lands were converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ all because four young men (Ammon, Aaron, Omner & Himni) decided to change their own lives in a big way. With this change of heart they gave up everything comfortable to preach and teach the Word of God to their (then) enemies. Now enemies NO more. An amazing number became converted to the ways of the Lord forever.
1. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of ISHMAEL were converted.
2. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of MIDDONI were converted.
3. The people of the Lamanites who were in the city of NEPHI were converted.
4. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of SHILOM were converted.
5. The people of the Lamanites who were in the land of SHEMLON were converted.
6. The people of the Lamanites who were in the city of LEMUEL were converted.
7. The people of the Lamanites who were in the city of SHIMNILOM were converted.
What a leap of faith this must have been for these convert heroes. To give up everything they had known their entire lives for the truth that they had just been taught.
The King (Lamoni's father) and those who had been converted wanted to be known by a new name. One that would set them apart from their unconverted brethren. The King consulted with Aaron and many of the priests concerning the name that they should take upon themselves.
"And it came to pass that they called their names Anti-Nephi-Lehies; and they were called by this name and were no more called Lamanites." Alma 23:17
For many years I wondered about this name, why would these people want to be 'anti' anything? In further study, the "Book of Mormon Reference Companion" (Dennis L. Largey General Editor) states in regard to the name Anti-Nephi-Lehies: "The name "Anti" of "Anti-Nephi-Lehies" may be a reflex of the Egyptian nty "he of, the one of". Thus rather than having the sense "against" it has the meaning "the one OF Nephi and Lehi." Ahh....their new name meant they were one WITH their brethren in the Gospel, not against them!
These people were very industrious. They became friendly with the Nephites and opened communication with them! The Lord's hand has caused miracles to happen in the lives of these people. Remember a few years earlier they were dire enemies AGAINST everything Nephite!
Picture this group of new converts, without weapons, without hatred, full of the love of their Heavenly Father, full of repentance, with hope and wonder of a new future. Maybe now this group of heroes could rest and find a little peace.
There were, however, many unconverted Lamanites, very near, that were not feeling this urge for peace. They were feeling just the opposite. Full of anger and hostility, they turned their rage and weapons toward the easiest target they could find.....the Anti-Nephi-Lehies.
Would the Anti-Nephi-Lehies in fear, pick up their weapons to fight again? Would they be so afraid that they would have no choice but to buckle to the demands of their unrighteous brethren? Where could they turn for help?
Sometimes being fully converted to the Gospel and to the Lord, Jesus Christ, is not an easy road. This group of heroes was new to it all. How would they handle the biggest challenge of their new repentant lives?
What principles did you discover in this section of the Book of Mormon? Here's a few of my thoughts:
1. Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ can work miracles with our lives, if we are willing to be pliable and do what is asked of us. The Sons of Mosiah listened to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. They had a BIG dream to preach the Gospel to their enemies. They and their families had faith that they would be safe and have success...and that is exactly what happened! Nothing is impossible with help of our Savior and Father in Heaven!
2. It took great courage for the Anti-Nephi-Lehies to put down their weapons of rebellion. What weapons of rebellion do I hold in my personal arsenal? Am I willing to release and let go of them and never lift them again?
3. Do I have the courage to change my ways. Do I have the strength and courage to turn my heart, mind and strength to the Lord Jesus Christ and to my Heavenly Father never wavering in my commitment?