Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Happiness Project (A Book of Mormon Reading Project)

What can I do to be happy? 


It's a question that we all have asked ourselves at one time or another.  Happiness does not equal zero problems.  Somehow I think we think that we can only be happy if our lives are problem-free.

We can be the creators of our own happiness.  I realized that I am happiest when I am reading my Scriptures.  When I spend time daily learning from them....I feel happy and more centered.

As a member of our Ward Relief Society Presidency over literacy, I felt a strong impression to create a project to help the sisters of our Ward find more happiness in their lives through study of the Scriptures.   What better way than through a study of the Book of Mormon particularly.  However, this project can be incorporated to a study of the Bible, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price as well.

My ideas have been taken from resources found on along with personal experience. 

There are four easy steps to my Happiness Project which are outlined below.


To introduce the "Happiness Project" as a counselor in the Relief Society Presidency, I taught a lesson in Relief Society on the first Sunday of a month.  With permission from our Bishop, we included the Young Women and their leaders.  I taught a special lesson to the sisters in Primary, Library and Nursery on a different Sunday when we could provide substitutes for those callings.  Therefore each sister in our Ward, young and old, had the opportunity to be taught what "The Happiness Project" is all about.

I created a 'packet' for each sister that included the following:
1 soft-bound Book of Mormon - (we ordered these from @ $2.50 each)  I felt it was important for each sister to start fresh with a new book rather than to read from the Scriptures they already had as they would be marking and looking at their study in a new and fresh way.

1 notebook -  We started our project near the time school was starting so 3 hole notebooks were very inexpensive.  Sam's Club also had spiral notebooks at a good price in a pack.

1 LDS Scripture Red marking pencil - they are .20 cents each through

1 Bookmark - I made a bookmark from free paint chip samples.  But you could make or buy any type you'd like.

Reading chart - I'm not a big fan of reading charts, but some people love them, so I included a small one and a larger one for older eyes.  You can find Book of Mormon reading charts on line in many different places.

1 ball point pen - They'll be writing their thoughts and I wanted them to have everything at their fingertips.

Happiness Project Instruction sheet - Information included below.

I put the entire packet in a large ziploc bag and decorated it with stickers and decorative duck tape. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You would NOT have to create this packet for your sisters to participate in the Happiness Project.  All principles from the project could be completed without spending any money!

SUCCESS!! The success of this project has surprised me!  I hoped it might help even one other sister besides me.  In just five months, we have had one sister obtain her temple recommend again and go back to the Temple because of the Happiness Project.  We also had a baptism of another sister because of this Project.  Several other Wards are now implementing this idea with much success.

In addition, monthly our Ward sisters meet together to talk about our study of the Book of Mormon.  These have been wonderful gatherings where we can share our love of the gospel and Scripture study.

Good luck as you find your happiness studying God's word!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Following is the text of the handout you will print out for each sister which gives the outline of the project:


"True, enduring happiness, with the accompanying strength, courage, and capacity to overcome the greatest difficulties, will come as you center your life in Jesus Christ.  Obedience to His teachings provides a secure ascent into the journey of life.  That takes effort.   While there is no guarantee of overnight results, there is the assurance that, in the Lord's time, solutions will come, peace will prevail, and happiness will be yours."  Elder Richard G. Scott, Ensign, November 2006.

This project is one that the women & young women of the ___________Ward have embarked on together to find happiness & peace through prayer & scripture study.

It is a Book of Mormon Scripture reading project. This is a 'go-at-your-own' pace project.  There are no deadlines to complete. 

The goal is to commit to scripture study & prayer each day.  Find a time & place that works best for you.  There is not a length of time per day to study, but suggestions are at least 10 minutes per day.

There are 4 easy steps to follow.

1.  PRAY PRIOR TO READING.  The scriptures were written by inspiration.  Consequently, they are best understood when we have a relationship with the Holy Ghost.  It prepares our heart when we pray before reading.  You might consider asking what the Lord would want you to learn from your study each day.

2.  READ.

a. Understand the setting by reading the chapter & book headings.

b. Don't be afraid to go slow.  Our study will be more valuable if we can slow down & focus more as we read.

c. Insert your name in a verse to make it more personal. (example: 2 Nephi 31:20 replace 'ye' with your name)

d. Visualize - Picture in your mind what is taking place.  Let the people come to life in your mind.

e. Ask yourself in relation to this Happiness Project: "What can I pick out in my reading today that will help me be happier today?"

f. Marking Scriptures - Marking is personal.  You can mark them any way that makes YOU happy.  Suggestions are to write in the margins when thoughts come to mind. You might consider writing longer thoughts on post-its and attaching them to your pages. 

g.  Look for principles.  The Scriptures are FULL of them!  A principle is a concentrated truth, packaged for application to a wide variety of circumstances.  A true principle makes decisions clear even under the most confusing circumstances.  (example: 1 Nephi 7:12 - If we exercise faith in the Lord, He is able to do all things, according to His will, for the children of men.)

h. Liken the Scriptures to yourself. Compare them to your own life.  See what you can learn and apply to your own circumstances.  (example: How does what I just read apply to me today?)

3.  WRITE. You are provided a Scripture Journal to write your thoughts each day.  Write even just a key word or your feelings about your study.  Draw a picture!  This is your spiritual journey.  Write whatever thoughts you have about your spiritual journey that day.

4.  APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE READ. The real value of Scripture study comes when we live what we learn.  Greater closeness to the Lord and feeling the peace & happiness He gives are just some of the blessings that come to those who apply gospel teachings in their lives. 

Elder Richard G. Scott said:  "Scriptures can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope and a restoration of confidence in one's ability to overcome the challenges of life."

President Gordon B. Hinckley said:  "I am grateful for emphasis on reading the Scriptures.  I hope that for you this will become something far more enjoyable than a duty, that rather, it will become a love affair with the word of God.  I promise that as you read, your minds will be enlightened and your spirits will be lifted."

Please join us as we embark together on this Happiness Project.  We look forward to hearing how Scripture Study is helping you.  Share your thoughts and ideas!  Give encouragement to those who may need it!  We will continue to discuss our progress with the Happiness Project throughout the coming months.

If you have any questions about this Project, or need some 'Scripture Study encouragement', please give me a call!       

Love, Sister _________________________

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