Friday, November 2, 2012

Alma, The Elder

Image: Book of Mormon Seminary Student Study Guide
Alma lived an interesting life. He was a Nephite. He was one of King Noah's Priests. I always wondered how Alma got that job? Did he think his job description would be one thing, but then it all went terribly wrong? Had he been anything like King Noah? Noah did 'cause his people to commit sin, and do that which was abominable in the sight of the Lord, committing whoredoms and all manner of wickedness' Mosiah 11:2. I can't imagine working for King Noah. That would be frightening employment. It is not recorded how long Alma served King Noah as a Priest. We do know he was young because it says simply that in Mosiah 16:2.

Eventually Alma hears Abinadi, a Prophet of God, preach and reiterate the Ten Commandments, Jesus' atonement and resurrection plus many more powerful doctrines. The words Abinadi speaks ring true in Alma's heart. He has a change of heart. While all the other priests are telling King Noah to put this charlatan to death, Alma stands as an unashamed witness and boldly pleads with the King that he would not be angry with Abinadi, and that he might just let Abinadi depart in peace. Obviously, this would not work as the King became even more furious and caused Alma to be cast out of his presence. To add insult to injury, he sends his servants out that they might find Alma and kill him.

Alma concealed himself for many days and did write ALL the words which Abinadi had spoken. It is only because of Alma that we know of Abinadi's great word-for-word testimony to King Noah and the people. Alma continues his concealment and eventually brings many people to baptism.

He organizes the Church and has authority from God. He repents. He ordains, instructs, preaches and teaches the people. He is a beloved leader. He declines to be their King.

Fast forward years later. Alma is now a father. He has served diligently in all aspects of the Gospel. He has dedicated his life to God. Alma has sons. One of Alma's sons is his own namesake. This son is however, very different from his father. He is a very wicked and idolatrous man. He is a man of many words and spoke much flattery to the people. He led many of the people to iniquity. This younger Alma 'became a great hinderment to the Church, stealing away the hearts of the people, causing much dissension and giving a chance for the enemy of God to exercise his power over them.'Mosiah 27:9

We already know what happens next....and that subject is for another post, but suffice it to say, Alma the Younger has a rude awakening to his evil ways by an angel of the Lord. My favorite part of this story, however, doesn't lie with Alma the Younger. It's Alma the Elder that fascinates me in this instance.

In Mosiah 27:14 it says 'And again, the angel said: Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people, and also the prayers of his servant, Alma, who is thy father; for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee that thou mightest be brought to the knowledge of the truth; therefore, for this purpose have I come to convince thee of the power and authority of God, that the prayers of his servants might be answered according to their faith.'

Artist: James H. Fullmer
Alma the Elder's prayers were so strong that an Angel of the Lord came down and whacked his son into righteousness!!! I LOVE THAT!

Alma the Younger is rendered dumb, that he could not open his mouth. He also becomes weak even that he could not move his hands. In this terrifying state, he was taken by those with him, (the bratty sons of Mosiah, which is a topic of another blog post entirely) and carried in his helplessness to his father and laid before him.

Now instead of Alma the Elder being traumatized and worried, what he does next is the best....
Mosiah 27:20 "And they (sons of Mosiah) rehearsed unto his father all that had happened unto them; and his father rejoiced, for he knew that it was the power of God. And he caused that a multitude should gather together that they might witness what the Lord had done FOR his son, and also FOR those that were with him." He REJOICED at what had happened to his son. He knew that this was the beginning of a totally new life for his child who he had prayed and probably wept over for many years prior.

Sidenote: I love that Alma the Elder used the word FOR his son, instead of what the Lord had done TO his son. Our trials are FOR us, not against us!

Alma the Elder gives me hope. It helps me to realize that as I pray with great faith and conviction for my children that ANYTHING is possible. The Lord can and will help us as parents when we have great faith and rely on the Lord.
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